Tuesday 30 December 2008

Annual report

At the end of each year I usually make for myself a mental, or sometimes even written, overview. Grandchildren born, travels undertaken, books and articles published, conferences, lectures, awards, new friends and other accomplishments. This year, everything is overshadowed by the Decisive Change. Imagine, a year ago I had no idea where I would be today. Even though a vague idea of a new job was somewhere at the back of my mind it was as far away as the North Pole. (I would like to go to the North Pole, but I don't think it is a realistic desire. I tend to get seasick).

Then everything happened very quickly, and I am still out of breath. I am still expecting to wake up one morning and discover that it has been a dream. And I cannot help contemplating what I am doing right now in the Alternative Reality in which I didn't stay away from a conference banquet in Barcelona.

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